Christa and I were just starting kindergarten in the Bridges Home Institute, playing for the first time what we thought was an incredibly exciting new game (also known to the world at large as "school")
13 years ago...
Christa and I were sitting at our kitchen table with Mom, trying to remember what letter comes after "B".
13 years ago...
We learned that 1 + 1 = 2.
And 13 years later...
We are celebrating the end of our formal schooling - a few years older, with a few more pieces of information stored in our brains, but still the same eager girls excited to see what God has in store for us next! :)
We started out the New Year with a highschool graduation celebration for the first ever graduates of the Bridges Home Institute! (BTW - in case you're wondering, we graduated # 1 and 2 in our class :)) Here are a few pictures from the evening:
Then I shared my testimony of God's incredible goodness in my life!
We are so grateful for all God has done in our lives during our growing up years! He is good!