"Ding - dong"...
It's 10:45 on Thursday morning. Who could be at our door? It's the first of our 12 piano students that come every Thursday to make music with us!

Christa is just starting out with her first 2 students. This is Katie (5 yrs) trying to make sense of all those black and white notes in front of her!! :)

I have 10 students and am really enjoying this whole new experience of not just playing the piano for myself, but learning how to teach others what I've been doing for all these years!

Yes, as much as we hate them, flash cards are indeed an important part of music!!

Sometimes though, we make the flashcard routine a little bit more fun by hiding them all around the room, and making the students race to find them first, before we go through them! :)

Landrey, (6) is almost through his first piano book, and ready to start in with a harder book like his 2 older brothers!

Corban, his newborn brother, looks on in concern. "Landrey, that was a wrong rhythm! You know better than that!"

But eventually he is lulled to sleep by Landrey's lovely playing (and no worries, the rhythm corrected) lol

We pray that each of these students may learn to love to play the piano, not just for the fun of it, but because they can see how beautiful music ushers God's people into His presence.