An enraged slave master and an imperious magistrate...

A cynical prisoner...

A hardened jailer...

A broken-hearted slave girl...

And a passionate choir...

All joined together this past Sunday to tell a story and bring a message of God's incredible, never ending love towards a lost and dying world.
Our wonderful little homeschool Baptist church recently undertook the huge endeavor of putting on a musical called "Who Will Call Him King of Kings?" It followed the true Biblical story of Paul and Silas after they cast a demon out of a fortune telling slave girl in Philippi...being tried and thrown in prison, and eventually leading the jailer (along with the slave girl and 3 fellow prisoners) to Christ.
With Christa in the choir, and me participating in the drama, we certainly put in many hours of practicing along with everybody else involved!!

Towards the end of the presentation, Marcus, a sarcastic, completely hardened prisoner (who later accepts Christ as his savior) sings a beautiful song called "How Can It Be?" Truly this song echoes the awe in my heart when I think about Christ's sacrifice, and it brought tears to my eyes almost every time I heard it sung! I would like to leave you all with the words to the song below. May we all be reminded of Christ's incredible love, even towards those who rejected and despised Him!
"He might have died for causes, for kingdoms or for thrones
For noble men, and women, or orphans all alone.
He might have died for heroes, who deserved His charity.
But how can I believe it: that Jesus died for me?
How can it be, for love of me, a Man would choose to die?
How can it be, for love of me, a Man was crucified?
How can I understand such love from One I've never seen?
How could I dare to hope one Man would choose to die for me?"
All photos courtesy of Haven Giglotti