Saturday, September 29, 2012

Newsflash - We're Back!!

Hello, and welcome to the Bridges family blog, where we write at the staggering rate of a whopping 2 posts per year.


For those who have give up on ever hearing an update from our family again - - SURPRISE! :) Below is a little "report" on the highlight of our year......helping to host a girl's conference for 1100 girls and moms. We serve an awesome God, Who alone deserves all glory and honor. May our lives reflect His light more and more each day, as we strive to love Him with all our hearts. This is our prayer for each of you, our friends, as well!

In December of 2011, I emailed the Mally family, who head up a ministry called Tomorrow's Forefathers, ( This family and their staff have ministered to thousands of girls all over the world through their girls' conferences and Bright Lights follow-up Bible study curriculum. Though the Mally's have held conferences all over the United States, they had never been to Texas, and I wanted to bring them here!

Their response to me informed me that another girl (her name was Haley) was one step ahead of me - she had already contacted them, wanting to host a conference in the Dallas area. And so began many months of planning together, hundreds of emails and phone calls, developing relationships, learning new skills, being stretched in our walk of faith, and growing in our relationship with the Lord.

Though Haley and her family took much of the load for organizing the conference, our family was delighted to come alongside them as much as possible. Together, Haley and I called 40 + churches to find a facility that would agree to host the conference. Finally, we found the perfect church in Carrollton, and a date was set for late July. This conference was really going to happen!

1200 registrations later, we were in awe as the Lord kept bringing these moms and daughters. The church was maxed out, but we never had to turn a single person away. Excitement mounted as the first session began, and Sarah Mally, the main speaker, shared vision with each girl to "choose to be strong for the Lord in your youth!'

There was much beautiful singing and music throughout the week....

As well as hilarious skits! :)

Christa and I were each excited to be a leader of a breakout group throughout the conference. Christa led 10 and 11 year-old's, and I led 13 and 14 year-old's. Both of us were stretched as we learned to depend ONLY on the Lord's strength and wisdom. Each of us had about 20 girls on our team, and we definitely needed the Lord's leading each step of the way!
Here is me with my team....

 And Christa with her team....

I also was able to share my testimony during one of the large groups time (while Sarah Mally did a "chalk talk"), and was so thankful to have that opportunity!

The conference ended, but opportunities for follow-up were just beginning! Since the conference, we have been thrilled to host a leader's training seminar in our home for older girls who are interested in leading a Bright Lights group (a discipleship group for girls ages 8 to 13 yrs).....

We have seen 4 new groups start up in the area, and there is potential for several more!

God is good.......who are we, that He would choose to use us and give us opportunities like these? "For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen." (Romans 11:36)

Saturday, February 11, 2012

We're Alive!

Yes, we're alive and we're well! Only our blog is not! :) In these past few months, the Lord has taught us much, and drawn us closer to Himself. He does all things well. We pray that He has been real to each of you, and that you have known His goodness in your life.

One of the highlights of these past few months has been taking my (Kate's) piano students to play for residents of a nursing home. Music is a gift, and what better place to share it than with the lonely and often forgotten? It brought joy to my heart to see the paradox of nervous thrill in each of my students, as they discovered the joy of doing a difficult yet worthwhile thing. From the six-year-old playing the great all time classic "Old MacDonald," :) to the nineteen-year-old playing "Be Thou My Vision," we all found much joy in sharing our music with the elderly.

The residents were incredibly warm and welcoming! They sang along to the tunes they knew, and clapped their hands or tapped their feet to the ones they didn't. :)

The duets are always a fun part of every recital...

This time, it was so fun to have a couple of the moms play with their children. This is Landrey, whose repertoire included "Oh I Love Snack Time" and "Old MacDonald." Need I say that he was the hit of the program? :)

Most of the piano students - relieved and relaxed at last

Sweet Annabelle

We met this woman after the program, and her sweet spirit shone just through her radiant smile. She loves the Lord and encouraged Christa and me to stay faithful to Him and keep a regular journal of the things He is showing us.

Stay tuned for more updates...
Until then! :)