Friday, January 28, 2011

Catching Up

Well, 6 months later, and what have the Bridges been up to all this time??!! :) This is a blog post with lots of pictures to share how good God has been in this past year!

Our last post was of our summer trip. We arrived back home and started up the fall semester with a more normal schedule once again. For Christa and me, this was finishing up school, continuing our music studies
Piano - with our dear teacher, Elizabeth

Voice - here we are singing with Mom and some sweet friends at a nursing home

And cello for me,

teaching piano,

I have 9 students now, and Christa is about to start up with her first 2! More on this later! :)

Being mothers' helpers for mom's of younger children,
and various activities and ministry opportunities through our church.
Recently, we had the opportunity for the 3 C. children (from our church) to stay with us for several days while their mom is on strict bedrest in the hospital. Josh (11), Candace (8), and Sam (2) were so fun to have at our house, and we missed them so much after they left!

May I introduce you to the world's most exciting tea party ever to be held? :)

At the hospital, visiting Mrs. C.

A weekend just isn't complete without a trip to the pet store!!

No, can't forget about that math! :)

Or snuggle time, for that matter! :)

And then there was Thanksgiving. Of course, there's always tons of cooking to be done, so what better thing than have some friends over to all bake together?!
Such a fun time! :)

The next day, we headed up to Mom's sister's lakehouse, in Gainseville. Besides cousins and our aunt and uncle and Grandpa, we also had my cello teacher join us, as well as our cousin's boyfriend and his family! So quite the full house!
This is my mom's sister, Diane, and her daughter (our cousin) Kelsey

Dad did a short presentation on our ancestor on my mom's side, John Howland, (who was with the pilgrims on the Mayflower and is the one who just barely survived being swept overboard during a fierce storm.) Dad likes to remind us every Thanksgiving that Mom and Christa and I are here by God's providence in saving the life of John Howland!

And we can't forget about our annual Water Buffalo Party on New Year's Eve again (you can go back a couple posts and read about our vision for these parties). We were SO excited to see what God did through the evening!!!
Fun games helped to get the ice broken and our minds started thinking towards giving.

Pictionary is always a hit (although it looks like this team "cheated" and used their I-pad device to do some extra speedy sketching!) lol

The quiz got just a little intense...

As you can see, the scores were close!

At the end of the evening, God had raised up enough money for us to be able to buy FIVE water buffaloes, as well as
  • 38 Bibles
  • 4 Vacation Bible School scholarships
  • 3 Pairs of rabbits
  • 2 Lambs
  • 4 Goats
Isn't God amazing!?

Stay tuned for an update in the next couple weeks about our highschool graduation celebration!


  1. Yeah! A post!!! Can't wait to see the one about the graduation.

  2. Yeah! You posted again! ;-) Looks like you guys had a great fall- thanks for sharing the pictures!

  3. Love all the pictures girls! It looks like you all had alot of fun this fall/winter!! I was so excited to see a new post :). Btw, I think your cousin has an awesome name ;).
    Kels <3

  4. I like the picture of you girls and the Beer girls. Two sets of twins! How sweet!
